Global Outreach
St Paul’s has a passion to see God’s kingdom spread throughout the world. We do this by encouraging a high profile of world mission at St Paul’s; selecting, supporting and caring for St Paul’s Mission Partners and Mission Organisations; and equipping the congregation to be more involved in sharing the good news about Jesus across cultures.
Our Mission Partners
Theresa Wilson
with Wycliffe Bible Translators, in Papua New Guinea, translating the bible for the Ninigo Islanders.
Catherine & Keith Ranger
ministering amongst Chinese scholars in the UK
Elisa Pike
working with an NGO called Compassiva in Brazil.
Claire Gasson
church planting in Concordia, Argentina.
Rosie & Stu Bayford
with CMS, in Recife, Brazil working with abused, trafficked or exploited young girls.
James & Rachel Sandels
with YWAM, in Albania, working with young people.
Hannah & John Williams
with Reach Beyond in Central Asia, working in health care and community projects
NOTDEC (the Nzirambi Orphans Talent Development Centre) is situated in Western Uganda and cares for motherless or abandoned children in purpose-built accommodation. It was started 30 years ago by Dorothy Nzirambi who started to look after a baby girl who had lost her mother in childbirth and it grew from there to its current size, where over 150 children are now supported, some on site, and some back with their own families.
St Paul's, through NOTDEC UK, has had strong links with NOTDEC Uganda over a good number of years which has seen many children being sponsored by our church members, and many mission trips to help out.
Open Doors
Open Doors supports persecuted Christians with Bibles, Christian materials, training, livelihood skills, advocacy - and in a whole host of other ways - so that they know they are not forgotten and can stand strong to serve their communities.
They also seek to mobilise the church in the UK & Ireland not only to serve Christians living under religious persecution but also to learn from them what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. The World Watch List is Open Doors’ annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution. Watch the video to discover the top 10 worst places to be a Christian.
Visit Open Doors
Betel UK
Betel UK is an independent Christian charity for men, women and families affected especially by homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse and long-term unemployment.
Their aim is to bring long-term freedom and restoration to broken lives, not only seeing people escape addiction, but also becoming productive, trustworthy men and women of character when they leave a Betel community. This is accomplished by building values, skills and character through living, working and worshipping together in a caring Christian community.
Visit Betel
Mission Opportunities
We want to support all church members going out on short term mission. If you are planning a short term mission trip, or would be interested in doing so, please contact the GO Team for further information. Our mission partners would also love people from the congregation to visit them and get involved with their work. If you would be interested in serving with our mission partners please let us know!
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